Ahhhh, love. It's so grand. There's nothing better than a developing relationship. Me? I always start with the middle name talk, and then move briskly into how many children do you want. Okay, maybe not, but who cares, I've been married for almost 12 years. My relationship with Mrs. Planner started in college, therefore we were broke, very broke. There were absolutely no illusions that either of us had money. We had to get to know each other - without money.
I would argue that it's nearly impossible to date someone, as a working adult, and not spend money to develop your relationship. Dinners, gifts, and trips are the norm for budding adult relationships. Married couples have a hard time funding unlimited meals, gifts, and trips, so what makes anyone think that two single, yet dating, people could afford this opulent behavior? That's right, they can't.
So what is a young, passionate person to do? Okay, the passionate part was a bit much. But it sounds a helluva lot better than "so what is a young, mildly interested person to do?" See what I'm sayin'? Anyway, here are 4 tips for dating without going broke.
Sure, spending money is easy, and you can certainly buy some fun times with your lady and/or man friend, but the alternative is so much more interesting. Be interesting. Get to know your "special friend" without going broke.
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