Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my new web series: The Molly Project. Molly is a real person. Molly is her real name. Molly has a financial life. It has serious problems. I decided that she needed a major financial culture shift, and that this blog was the perfect accountability partner. So with Molly's permission, we are going to fix her financial life together, right here on PeteThePlanner Dot Com.
There are some things that you need to know about the Molly project:
Molly has several financial goals that she would like to achieve, however her life is burdened with debt. She has an education. And she has some more education. She went well over $50,000 into debt to fund specialized degrees that she's not using. Molly had a family member put up stock as collateral for a bank-loan, that bank loan is due in just five months. She owes over $12k on that loan. The bank setup her payment schedule for that loan. The way that they set it up - it would have been impossible for her to pay back the entire loan based on the payment structure provided. She didn't realize until recently that the "ballon payment" is due in July. The bank may extend the loan, or they may just take the stock from her relative.
Molly is a very wonderful young lady. She is a vibrant, optimistic person that I really like. Her optimism has actually become a financial liability. She just assumes that things will work out. She just assumes that since a bank will loan her money, that things can't be that bad. Things are that bad...for now. They won't be after we fix her situation. Take a look below at the raw data. The Molly Project begins now.
Name: Molly
Chase Credit Card (business purposes):
Bank of America Credit Card:
GAP Credit Card:
LOFT Credit Card:
Wells Fargo (Car Loan):
Missouri Bank (personal loan):
Original loan amount $25,000, Balance--$12,678.16 as of 2/24/12 payment, monthly payment-$458.20, 3.99%APR *matures 7/24/12
Student Loans
Monthly expenses:
Initial Questions from Molly:
We will be answering all of these questions, and we will be changing Molly's life. How do I know that I can change her life? What makes me so confident? Because I do it everyday. You just don't normally get to watch this closely. I encourage you to tune into all of the episodes of The Molly Project. Episode 1 was just about getting you up to speed. In Episode 2, we will get to work.
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