Does money (or lack thereof) affect your vote? And other rhetorical questions

Written by
Peter Dunn

Do you think there is a clean delineation between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to economic status? I use to think there was, and even these days I am not sure. Politics often lead to sticky conversations about social ethics, moral ethics, and financial ethics. If you had to rank how these ethical questions affect your vote, what conundrum is at the top of the list?

Is the threat of higher taxes enough to dissuade you from voting one way or the other? I think it is if you view your personal wealth and security as your main objective. If you are socially liberal, but fiscally conservative, where does this leave your vote? How can (what you perceive to be) important social programs be implemented without increasing taxes? These are tough questions that Americans are dealing with. Are you willing to sacrifice your personal wealth to advance the cause of the nation? Wow. How can you even begin to decide this?

This may sound like I favor one side over the other, but I ask the simple question. Are you willing to sacrifice your hard earned dollars to accomplish your world ambitions? My answer to this question changes all the time. What is your answer to the question? Is your economic status more important to you than the nation's as a whole?

I would love your comments.

I really don't know where I stand on this. I only know three things to be true in this world: death, taxes, and there were no dinosaurs. How many rhetorical questions to I ask in this blog post?

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