January 31, 2017

Ep. 133 Princess Leia returns…just before jetting off to the UK

M$D: N/AMeet Princess Leia (or, if you’re a longtime listener and heard her first episode, welcome back Princess Leia)Leia’s main concerns, in her words:I was featured on your podcast a little over a year ago and you gave me the name Princess Leia… Rest in Peace, Carrie Fisher. I was hooked and practiced what I learned from your podcast and book.Maybe this is breaking the rules… but I’d love to speak with you again. A lot has changed from a year ago, and I mean a lot. I know you don’t have the best memory so let me refresh you about my previous situation: I was living in the DC area on a $40k salary, $900 in rent/month, a car payment, and student loans that I wasn’t prepared for. It was a real struggle. Since then, I picked up a temporary second job, paid off my car, decreased my student loans to half, and gained a few pay increases. It’s fair to say I’m now comfortable, but that comfort is being tested by the unknown that is right around the corner. Here’s the thing… I’m moving overseas.Living overseas (in a country I’ve never visited) is going to bring some challenges and I’ll have to handle the curveballs as they’re thrown at me. I’m lucky to have earned a hefty pay increase with my new position and my biggest concern is what to do with the extra cash flow. I imagine I’m an easy victim to the lifestyle creep monster. I’m hoping to talk through some ideas and gain some advice from you about how to handle these changes and ultimately work towards my Million Dollar Day.Scratch that – I’m an over-achiever, I want more. I understand the importance of your Million Dollar Day plan and since that is what I NEED to survive during retirement, I want to set myself up to do better. So, my question to you is 1) when is my MDD and 2) how can I move it up so that I can retire early and move to Costa Rica?


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