It's 'Flip Your Finances' week on Fox59!

Written by
Peter Dunn

This is an exciting week because this week I'm doing a special series of appearances on Fox59 called 'Flip Your Finances.' This series isn't about me doling out a bunch of tips, it's about results. So make sure to watch me in the morning on Fox 59 at 8:20 a.m., or check it out here later. Then actually do what I say. Don't like being told what to do? That sucks for you, but if you really want to 'Flip Your Finances' this week then you have to actually follow my instructions. Trust me, I'm not asking you to do anything crazy. In fact, all I'm asking for is 10-13 minutes of your day. That's it. First watch my video segment below, then sign up for the newsletter for extra tips, and then spend 10 minutes actually following the tips from the video. Check out the video below for today's assignment:

This is going to be a great week! Sign up for the newsletter below and check back tomorrow for your next assignment.

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